All full texts are available by clicking on the author names
Strasburger H, Wade NJ (2024).
Ewald Hering's (1879) "On Muscle Sounds of the Eye": A translation and commentary.
i-Perception 15(0), 1-16.
Strasburger H, Jüttner M (2024).
Erratum. Corrections to: Strasburger, Rentschler & Jüttner (2011), Peripheral Vision and Pattern Recognition. Journal of Vision.
April 2024, Vol.24, 15.
Strasburger H (2022).
On the cortical mapping function - visual space, cortical space, and crowding.
Vision Research, 194, May 2022, 107972.
2021: BioRχiv 10.1101/621458v5
2020: BioRχiv 10.1101/621458v4
2019: BioRχiv 10.1101/621458v2
Zauner J, Plischke H, Strasburger H (2022).
Spectral dependency of the human pupillary light reflex. Influences of pre-adaptation and chronotype.
PLoS ONE 17(1): e0253030.
Vater C, Strasburger H (2021).
Topical Review: The top five peripheral vision tools in sport.
Optometry and Vision Science 98:704-722
Jüttner MW, Strasburger H, Treutwein B, Landis T, Rentschler I (2021).
Complementary deficits in perceptual classification in pure alexia and acquired prosopagnosia – new insights from two classic cases.
Neuropsychologia 155 (2021) 107820.
Download accepted manuscript
Zauner J, Plischke H, Stijnen H, Schwarz UT, Strasburger H (2020).
Influence of common lighting conditions and time-of-day on the effort-related cardiac response.
PLoS ONE 15(10): e0239553.
Grundler W, Strasburger H (2020).
Visual Attention outperforms visual-perceptual parameters required by law as an indicator of on-road driving performance.
PLoS ONE 15(8):e0236147.
Strasburger H (2020).
Seven myths on crowding and peripheral vision.
i-Perception, 11(3), 1-46.
Strasburger H (2019).
Seven myths on crowding and peripheral vision; Preprint.
PeerJ Preprints 6:e27353v4
Strasburger H (2019).
On the cortical mapping function - visual space, cortical space, and crowding (Preprint).
BioRχiv 10.1101/621458v2
Strasburger H (2018).
Seven myths on crowding (Talk slides).
ECVP 2018, Trieste,
PeerJ Preprints 6:e27250v1
Yang T, Strasburger H, Pöppel E, Bao Y (2018).
Attentional modulation of speed-change perception in the perifoveal and near-peripheral visual field.
Strasburger H, Huber J, Rose D (2018).
Ewald Hering (1899) On the Limits of Visual Acuity: A Translation and Commentary.
With a Supplement on
Alfred Volkmann (1863) Physiological Investigations in the Field of Optics.
i-Perception 9(3), 1-14.
Strasburger, H., Bach M., & Heinrich, S. P. (2018).
Blur unblurred - A mini tutorial.
i-Perception 9(2), 1-15.
doi: 10.1177/2041669518765850
Grundler W, Strasburger H (2016).
Zum Leserbrief von Herrn Dr. Wesemann.
Deutsche Optikerzeitung (DOZ) 09/2016, 10-11.
Grundler W, Strasburger H (2016).
Zentrale Sehschärfe und visuelle Fahreignungsdiagnostik.
Deutsche Optikerzeitung (DOZ) 07/2016, 78-84.
D'Souza DV, Auer T, Strasburger H, Frahm J, Lee BB (2016).
Dependence of chromatic response in V1 on visual field eccentricity and spatial frequency: an fMRI study.
Journal of the Optical Society of America A 33(3), A53-A64.
Strasburger H, Waldvogel B (2015).
Sight and blindness in the same person - gating in the visual system.
PsyCh Journal 4, 178-185, doi:10.1002/pchj.109.
Poggel DA, Treutwein B, Sabel BA, Strasburger H (2015).
A matter of time: Improvement of visual temporal processing during training-induced restoration of light detection performance.
Frontiers in Psychology, section Perception Science, 6:22. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00022.
Elliott MA, Seifert D, Poggel DA, Strasburger H (2015).
Transient increase of intact visual field size by high-frequency narrow-band stimulation.
Consciousness and Cognition 32, Special Issue: Type 2 Blindsight, 45-55, doi:10.1016/j.concog.2014.09.003.
Strasburger H, Wade NJ (2015).
James Jurin (1684–1750): A pioneer of crowding research?
Journal of Vision, 15(1):9, 1-7.
Short version: Poster
Strasburger H (2014).
Dancing letters and ticks that buzz around aimlessly – on the origin of crowding.
Perception 43(9), Special Issue Illusions and Delusions, 963-976. doi:10.1068/p7726
Kallenberger SM, Schmidt C, Dechent P, Forster C, von Steinbüchel N, Wüstenberg T, Strasburger H (2014).
Separating fusion from rivalry.
PLoS ONE 9(7): e103037. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0103037
Bao Y, Lei Q, Fang Y, Tong Y, Schill K, Pöppel E, Strasburger H (2013).
Inhibition of Return in the visual field: The eccentricity effect is independent of cortical magnification.
Experimental Psychology, 60(6):425-431, doi:10.1027/1618-3169/a000215.
Strasburger H, Malania M (2013).
Source confusion is a major cause of crowding.
Journal of Vision, 13(1):24,
1-20, doi:10.1167/13.1.24.
Poggel DA, Calmanti C, Treutwein B & Strasburger H (2012).
The Tölz Temporal Topography Study: Mapping the Visual Field across the Life Span.
Part I: The topography of light detection and temporal-information processing.
Attention, Perception & Psychophysics 74:1114-1132, doi:10.3758/s13414-012-0278-z.
Hi-res Fig. 5.
• Featured, price winning paper! •
Poggel DA, Calmanti C, Treutwein B & Strasburger H (2012).
The Tölz Temporal Topography Study: Mapping the Visual Field across the Life Span.
Part II: Cognitive factors shaping visual field maps.
Attention, Perception & Psychophysics 74:1133-1144, doi:10.3758/s13414-012-0279-y.
• Featured, price winning paper! •
Strasburger H, Rentschler I, Jüttner M (2011).
Peripheral vision and pattern recognition: a review.
Journal of Vision, 10th Anniversary Issue, 11(5):13, 1-82, doi:10.1167/11.5.13.
• Topmost read paper in JOV June 2014! (Article usage) •
D'Souza DV, Auer T, Strasburger H, Frahm J, Lee BB (2011).
Temporal frequency and chromatic processing in humans: an fMRI study of the cortical visual areas.
Journal of Vision 11(8):8, 1-17, doi:10.1167/11.8.8.
Poggel DA, Treutwein B, Strasburger H (2011).
Time will tell: Deficits of temporal-information processing in patients with visual field loss.
Brain Research 1368, 196-207,
Apelt D, Strasburger H, Klein J, Preim B (2010).
Impact of Adaptation Time on Contrast Sensitivity.
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7627, 76270P.
Seifert D, Falter C, Strasburger H, Elliott MA (2010).
Bandpass characteristics of high-frequency sensitivity and visual experience in blindsight.
Consciousness and Cognition 19(1):144-151, doi:10.1016/j.concog.2010.01.005
Apelt D, Rascher-Friesenhausen R, Klein J, Strasburger H, Preim B, Peitgen H-O (2009).
Impact of luminance distribution in the visual field on foveal contrast sensitivity in the context of mammographic softcopy reading.
Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging,, 72630B (9 pages).
Apelt D, Strasburger H, Rascher-Friesenhausen R, Klein J, Preim B, Peitgen H-O (2009).
Contrast sensitivity in mammographic softcopy reading.
SPIE Medical Imaging 7263: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment, 726318 (11 pages).
Apelt D, Strasburger H, Rascher-Friesenhausen R, Klein J, Preim B, Peitgen HO (2009).
Recognition of detail in mammography.
Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging 7263: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment, 72631B (8 pages).
Apelt D, Strasburger H, Rascher-Friesenhausen R, Klein J, Preim B (2009).
Generalizing the evaluation of medical image processing tools by use of Gabor patterns.
Methods of Information in Medicine, Special Issue "Medical Image Processing" 48(4), 331-335.
ISSN 0026-1270, doi:10.3414/ME9231
Fronius M, Leonards U, Strasburger H, Greenlee M (2008).
Ruxandra Sireteanu (1945-2008), Obituary.
Vision Research 48, 2493-2494.
Strabismus 16(4):129-30.
Eisenbarth W, MacKeben M, Poggel DA, Strasburger H (2008).
Characteristics of dynamic processing in the visual field of patients with age-related maculopathy.
Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 246(1), 27-37.
doi:10.1007/s00417-007-0641-2 (Epub 2007)
Poggel D A, Strasburger H, MacKeben M (2007)
Cueing attention by relative motion in the periphery of the visual field.
Perception 36(7), 955-970. doi:10.1068/p5752
Waldvogel B, Ullrich A, Strasburger H (2007).
Blind und sehend in einer Person. Schlussfolgerungen zur Psychoneurobiologie des Sehens.
Der Nervenarzt. 78(11), 1303-1309. doi:10.1007/s00115-007-2309-x
Poggel DA, Treutwein B, Calmanti C, Strasburger H (2006).
Increasing the temporal g(r)ain: Double-pulse resolution is affected by the size of the attention focus.
Vision Research, 46(18), 2998-3008.
Modeling areal summation for DPR, consequences from the Ferry-Porter law. p. 3005-3008.
Appendix A in: Poggel DA, Treutwein B, Calmanti C, Strasburger H (2006).
Increasing the temporal g(r)ain: Double-pulse resolution is affected by the size of the attention focus.
Vision Research, 46(18), 2998-3008.
Brettel H, Shi L & Strasburger H (2006).
Temporal image fusion in human vision.
Vision Research, 46(6-7), 774-81.
Strasburger H (2005).
Unfocussed spatial attention underlies the crowding effect in indirect form vision.
Journal of Vision 5(11):8, 1024-1037, doi:10.1167/5.11.8
Wüstenberg T, Giesel FL & Strasburger H (2005)
Methodische Grundlagen der Optimierung von funktionellen MR-Experimenten.
(Methodological principles for optimising functional MR experiments.)
Der Radiologe 45, 99-112. Online-Version.
Kammer T, Puls K, Strasburger H, Hill NJ & Wichmann FA (2005).
Transcranial magnetic stimulation in the visual system I: the
psychophysics of visual suppression.
Experimental Brain Research 160,118-128.
Poggel DA & Strasburger H (2004).
Visual perception in space and time – mapping the visual field of temporal resolution.
Acta Neurobiologiae
Experimentalis 64, 427-436.
Müller-Oehring EM, Kasten E, Poggel DA, Schulte T, Strasburger H, Sabel BA (2003).
Neglect and hemianopia superimposed.
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 25, 1154-1168.
Strasburger H, Wüstenberg T (2002).
Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Leuchtdichte-richtigen Darstellung eines Bildes.
Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, Nr. 102 33 320.3-31.
Schulte T, Warzel H, Westphal S, Müller-Oehring EM, Strasburger H, Dierkes J & Sabel BA (2002).
Acute moderate alcohol consumption affects cardiovascular responses in healthy males with different tolerance
Neuropsychobiology 45, 191-198.
Strasburger H, Wüstenberg T, Jäncke L (2002).
Calibrated LCD/TFT stimulus presentation for visual psychophysics in fMRI.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 121, 103-110.
Lutz S, Dietrich TJ, Benda N, Selig, B, Strasburger, H, Schiefer U (2001).
An explicit no response instead of time-out in automated visual-field testing.
Graefe's Arch. Clin. Exp. Ophthalmol. 239, 173-181.
U, Strasburger H, Becker ST, Vonthein R, Schiller J, Dietrich T J & Hart W (2001).
Reaction time in automated kinetic perimetry: effects of stimulus luminance, eccentricity, and movement
Vision Research 41, 2157-2164.
Schulte T, Müller-Oehring EM, Strasburger H, Warzel H & Sabel BA (2001).
Acute effects of alcohol on divided and covert attention in men.
Psychopharmacology 154, 61-69.
Schulte T, Warzel H, Strasburger H, Sabel BA (2001).
Deficits of respiratory-cardiac coupling in heavy drinkers.
Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 25, 1241 - 1256.
Strasburger H (2001).
Invariance of the psychometric function for letter recognition across the visual field.
Perception & Psychophysics
63(8), special issue Psychometric Functions and Adaptive Methods,
H (2001).
Converting between measures of slope of the psychometric function.
Perception & Psychophysics 63(8), special issue Psychometric Functions and Adaptive Methods,
J, Strasburger H, Cerutti DT & Sabel BA (2000).
Assessing spatial vision – automated
measurement of the contrast-sensitivity function in the hooded rat.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 97, 103-110.
In a nutshell
Steinbüchel N, Wittmann M, Strasburger H & Szelag E (1999).
Auditory temporal-order judgement is impaired in patients with cortical
lesions in posterior regions of the left hemisphere.
Neuroscience Letters 264, 168-171.
T, Strasburger H, Müller-Oehring E, Kasten E & Sabel BA (1999).
Automobile Driving Performance of Brain-Injured Patients with Visual Field Defects.
American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 78, 136-142.
Treutwein B &
Strasburger H (1999).
Fitting the psychometric function.
Perception & Psychophysics 61, 87-106.
Strasburger H (1997).
Use of computers and cathode-ray-tube displays in visual psychophysics.
Part I: Spatial Vision 10, 301-304; Part II: Spatial Vision 11, 1-2.
Kasten E, Strasburger H &
Sabel B (1997).
Programs for diagnosis and therapy of visual field deficits in vision rehabilitation.
Spatial Vision 10, 499-503.
Strasburger H (1997).
R_Contrast: Rapid
measurement of recognition contrast thresholds.
Spatial Vision 10, 495-498.
Jüttner M & Strasburger H (1997).
FORPXL A Fortran interface to PXL, the psychological experiments library.
Spatial Vision 10, 491-493.
Bach M, Meigen T & Strasburger H (1997).
Raster-scan cathode ray tubes for vision research - limits of resolution in space, time and
intensity, and some solutions.
Spatial Vision 10, 403-414.
H & Rentschler I (1996).
Contrast-dependent dissociation of visual recognition and detection fields.
European Journal of Neuroscience 8, 1787-1791.
H, Remky A, Murray IJ, Hadjizenonos Ch, Rentschler I (1996).
Objective measurement of contrast
sensitivity and visual acuity with the steady-state VEP.
German Journal of Ophthalmology 5, 42-52.
H, Rentschler I & Harvey LO Jr (1994).
Cortical magnification theory fails to predict visual recognition.
European Journal of Neuroscience
6, 1583-1588.
R & Strasburger H (1994).
Applying psychoacoustics in composition:
Harmonic progressions of non-harmonic sonorities.
Perspectives of New Music 32 (2), 88-129.
H, Murray IJ & Remky A (1993).
Sustained and transient mechanisms
in the steady-state visual evoked potential. Onset presentation compared
to pattern reversal.
Clinical Vision Sciences 8, 211-234.
Remky A, Strasburger H
& Murray IJ (1992).
"PEV" On-off" stationnaires et sensibilité au contraste.
Ophtalmologie 6, 86-91.
H, Harvey LO, Jr & Rentschler I (1991).
Contrast thresholds for identification of numeric characters in direct and eccentric view.
Perception & Psychophysics
49, 495-508.
H, Harvey LO, Jr & Rentschler I (1991): Crowding
Our 1991 paper is predominantly on the crowding effect; here is a version
with the crowding parts highlighted
1991 paper key messages.
H, Scheidler W & Rentschler I (1988).
Amplitude and phase characteristics of the steady-state visual evoked potential.
Applied Optics 27, 1069-1088.
H (1987).
The analysis of steady state evoked potentials revisited.
Clinical Vision Sciences 1, 245-256.
H, Rentschler I & Scheidler W (1986).
Steady-state pattern VEP uncorrelated
with suprathreshold contrast perception.
Human Neurobiology 5, 209-211.
Strasburger H & Rentschler I (1986).
A digital fast sweep technique
for studying steady-state visual evoked potentials.
Journal of Electrophysiological Techniques 13, 265-278.
Strasburger H & Klenk D (1983).
Opto-Electronic belts for recording
respiration in psychophysiological experimentation and therapy.
Psychophysiology 20, 230-238.
Strasburger H, Rieß J, Plischke H (2010).
3D TV - Health Related Issues from a psychophysiological perspective.
A white paper produced by the Generation Research Program, University of Munich, Germany.
28 pp., 16 figures
Strasburger H (2003).
Indirektes Sehen: Formerkennung im zentralen und peripheren Gesichtsfeld.
296 Seiten, 121 Abb., 15. Tab.
Reihe Lehr- und Forschungstexte Psychologie, Hrsg. Albert D, Oswald M, Pawlik K & Stapf KH, Hogrefe
Verlag Göttingen, Bern, Toronto, Seattle.
Strasburger H (Editor) (1997).
Use of computers and cathode-ray-tube displays in visual psychophysics. Part II.
Special Issue of Spatial Vision,
11(1). VSB BV, AH Zeist (The Netherlands).114 pp.
Invited guest editor.
Strasburger H (Editor) (1997).
Use of computers and cathode-ray-tube displays in visual psychophysics. Part I.
Special Issue of Spatial Vision,
10(4). VSB BV, AH Zeist (The Netherlands). 214 pp.
Invited guest editor.
Strasburger H & Rentschler I (2007).
Pattern recognition in direct and indirect view.
In: Osaka N, Rentschler I & Biederman I (Eds.). Object recognition, attention, and action.
Springer, Tokyo,
pp. 41-54.
Strasburger H & Pöppel E (2004).
Visual field (revised and extended).
In: Adelman G & Smith BH (eds): Encyclopedia of Neuroscience; 3rd edition, on CD-ROM. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, New York. ISBN 0-444-51432-5.
Strasburger H (2001).
Invariance of the psychometric function for letter recognition across the visual field. Shortened reprint
of the paper in Perception & Psychophysics 63.
In: Sommerfeld E, Kompass R, Lachmann T: Fechner Day 2001. Pabst Science Publishers, Lengerich,
Berlin. ISBN 3-936142-12-2. pp. 629-640.
Strasburger H (2001).
Converting between measures of slope of the psychometric function. Shortened reprint of the paper in Perception & Psychophysics 63.
In: Sommerfeld E, Kompass R, Lachmann T: Fechner Day 2001. Pabst Science Publishers, Lengerich, Berlin.
ISBN 3-936142-12-2. pp. 620-628.
Strasburger H & Pöppel E (1997, 1999).
Visual field.
In: Adelman, G. & Smith B.A. (ed.): Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Vol II; 2nd edition, printed and on CD-ROM.
Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, New York, p. 2197-2199. (Printed: ISBN 0-444-81612-7; CD-ROM: ISBN 0-44450160-6).
Strasburger H, Rentschler I & Harvey LO, Jr (1993).
Visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, and recognition of optotypes.
In: Steyer, R., Wender, K.F., Widaman, K.F. (eds.). Psychometric Methodology.
Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart. Seite 493-498.
Strasburger H & Kohler S (1991).
S11input Users Guide. A program for graphical and Midi based musical score input.
Composers' Desktop Project, York (England). 15 Seiten.
Gross R & Strasburger H (1991).
Score-11 Bedienerhandbuch. Eine Musikkompositionssprache.
Composers' Desktop Project, York (England). 29 Seiten.
Strasburger H & Murray IJ (2009).
Multiple Mechanisms in the VEP. Letter to the Editor,
paper by Souza et al & Silveira,
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (IOVS).
Strasburger H (1989).
Rezension des Buches von P.R. Gerke: Wie denkt der Mensch?
Der Nervenarzt 60, 589-590.
Strasburger H (1995–2019).
Software for visual psychophysics: an overview. (Resources: Software)
and other references
Hessischer Rundfunk (hr), Live-Auftritt Dienstag, 29. Januar 2008 in der Sendung alle wetter!
Thema: Wetter und Sichtverhältnisse im Straßenverkehr.
Siehe: --> "im Fernsehen"
ARD (Hessischer Rundfunk), Dienstag, 8. April 2008 in der Sendung "ARD Wetterschau"
Thema: Wetter und Sichtverhältnisse im Straßenverkehr.
Siehe: --> "im Fernsehen"
Hessischer Rundfunk (hr), Live-Auftritt Dienstag, 5. November 2008 in der Sendung alle wetter!
Thema: Wetter und Sichtverhältnisse im Straßenverkehr
Rostosky, Susanne (Buch, Regie, Produktion)(2008).
Wie ein Blinder das Sehen lernte.
Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, Abteilung Bildung und Wissenschaft, 11:38 Min:
Wissenschaftliche Interviews.
Strasburger H (1996).
Formerkennung im zentralen und peripheren Gesichtsfeld.
243 Seiten, 121 Abb., 15. Tab.
Habilitationsschrift, Medizinische Fakultät der Universität München.
Strasburger H (1985).
Stationäre visuell evozierte Hirnpotentiale. 198 Seiten.
Ausgezeichnete Dissertation im Fach Humanbiologie, Medizinische Fakultät der Universität
Strasburger H (1979).
Zur Modellierung der respiratorischen Arrhythmie. 208 Seiten.
Ausgezeichnete Diplomarbeit im Fach Psychologie. Max-Planck-Institut für Psychiatrie, München, und Psychologisches Institut der Universität Tübingen.
Strasburger H (1971).
Funktoren zwischen Kategorien von Vektorräumen. 107 Seiten.
Ausgezeichnete Diplom-Arbeit im Fach Mathematik. Mathematisches Institut, Universität Tübingen.
Strasburger H, Islam S (2024).
A radial-symmetric checkerboard stimulus obeying the inverse-linear cortical magnification law
Poster at the ECVP 2024, Aberdeen. Access via OSF
Strasburger H, Simpson MJ (2023).
Is visual angle equal to retinal angle?
Poster at the ECVP 2023, Cyprus. Access via OSF
All abstracts
Strasburger H (2022).
What is the 'correct' human cortical magnification factor?
Poster at the ECVP 2022, Nijmegen • Access via OSF
Strasburger H (2021).
d2 - a new metric for characterising retinotopic areas.
43rd ECVP 2021, online
Strasburger H (2018).
Seven myths on crowding.
Talk at the ECVP 2018, Trieste.
Talk slides: PeerJ Preprints 6:e27250v1
Strasburger H (2017).
Far peripheral vision and pattern recognition. Symposium "Eye movements and the peripheral retina: Yarbus's ideas and current data".
(ECVP 2017, Berlin)
Strasburger H (2017).
On the cortical mapping function.
(ECVP 2017, Berlin) F1000Research 2017, 6:1772 (doi: 10.7490/f1000research.1114933.1).
Paramei G V, Tiippana K, Strasburger H (2017).
Contrast discrimination near threshold at different spatial frequencies.
(ECVP 2017, Berlin)
Strasburger H (2017).
Geht das Gesichtsfeld locker über 100° schläfenwärts? Bericht aus der Sammlung der Lehrbuch-Enten.
(Does the visual field easily extend beyond 100°? A report from the collection of textbook ducks.)
Lingelbachs Scheune (Juli), (Poster)(Handout).
F1000: doi:10.7490/f1000research.1114784.1
Strasburger H, Bach M, Heinrich S (2016).
Blur unblurred – a mini-tutorial. (ECVP 2016).
Grundler W, Bao Y, Pöppel E, Strasburger H (2015).
Driving fitness in the elderly – validation of visual and driving-aptitude tests. (DGMP 2015)
Strasburger H, Wade NJ (2015).
James Jurin (1684–1750): A pioneer of crowding research?
Perception 44, Suppl. (ECVP 2015)
F1000Research 2015, 4:675 (poster)
Grundler W, Bao Y, Pöppel E, Strasburger H (2014).
Driving fitness in the elderly – validation of visual and driving-aptitude tests.
Perception 43, Suppl. (ECVP 2014).
Strasburger H, Malania M (2013).
Reverse asymmetry for whole-letter confusions in crowding.
Perception 42, Suppl. (ECVP 2013). Abstract and supplement
Islam S, Poggel DA, Wüstenberg T, Hoffmann MB, Strasburger H (2013).
Is the polarity of multifocal VEPs related to visual-cortex folding?
Perception 42, Suppl. (ECVP 2013). Abstract
Eisenbarth W, Strasburger H (2013).
Motion sensitivity after orthokeratology.
American Academy of Optometry (Academy 2013, Washington).
Islam S, Poggel DA, Hoffmann M B, Dechent P, Strasburger H (2010).
Polarity-sensitive activation maps for the multifocal visual evoked potential.
Perception 39, Suppl. (ECVP 2010).
Strasburger H, Waldvogel B, Mattler U, Poggel DA, Baudewig J, Dechent P, Wüstenberg T (2010).
Suppression of afferent visual information in a patient with Dissociative identity disorder and state-dependent blindness.
Perception 39, Suppl. (ECVP 2010).
A97) Schmidt C, Kallenberger S, Wüstenberg T, Strasburger H (2010).
Untersuchungen der visuellen Fusion und binokularen Rivalität mittels funktioneller Magnetresonanztomographie.
DGN-Tagung (Neurowoche), Mannheim.
Kallenberger S, Schmidt C, Wüstenberg T, Strasburger H (2010).
Visual Fusion and Binocular Rivalry in Cortical Visual Areas.
Journal of Vision 10(7): 360; doi:10.1167/10.7.360 (VSS 2010).
A95) D'Souza DV, Auer T, Strasburger H, Frahm J, Lee BB (2009).
An fMRI study of chromatic processing in humans: temporal characteristics of cortical visual areas.
OSA Fall Vision Meeting.
A94a) Dto., EBBS 2009.
Islam S, Wüstenberg T, Bach M, Poggel DA, Strasburger H (2009).
Predicting the scalp potential topography in the multifocal VEP by fMRI
Perception 38, Suppl. (ECVP 2009)
Strasburger H, Malania M (2008).
Source confusion is a major cause of crowding.
Perception 37 Suppl. ECVP 2008. (Abstract)
A92) Poggel DA, Treutwein B, Calmanti C, Strasburger H (2008).
The Toelz Temporal Topography Study:
Mapping the visual field of temporal processing across the life span.
VSS 2008.
A91) Poggel DA, Treutwein B, Sabel BA, Strasburger H (2008).
Light detection training improves temporal-information processing in cerebral visual field defects.
CNS 2008.
A90) Eisenbarth W, Strasburger H (2007).
Kontrastempfindlichkeit nach Orthokeratologie (Contrast sensitivity after Orthokeratology).
105. Kongress der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft (DOG), Berlin.
A89) Poggel DA, Treutwein B, Sabel B, Strasburger H (2007).
Make the clocks tick right: Influence of computer-based visual restoration on temporal-information processing in partially blind patients.
VSS 2007.
Strasburger H , Grundler W, Burgard E (2006).
Kognitive Tests aussagekräftiger. Studien zur Validierung von Instrumenten der Seh- und Eignungsdiagnostik.
Ophthalmologische Nachrichten 09/2006 Kongreßausgabe 2, S.30.
Grundler W, Burgard E Strasburger H (2006).
Studien zur Validierung von Instrumenten der Seh- und Eignungsdiagnostik.
104. Tagung der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft, Berlin.
A86) Eisenbarth W, MacKeben M, Poggel D, Strasburger H (2006).
Altersbedingte Veränderungen der visuellen Wahrnehmung im peripheren Gesichtsfeld.
104. Tagung der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft, Berlin.
Strasburger H, Poggel D, Eisenbarth W, Treutwein B, MacKeben M (2006).
Temporal characteristics of the human visual field.
Perception 35 Suppl. (ECVP 2006).
A84) Takahira S, Wüstenberg T, Matsuda T, Jordan K, Strasburger H & Okuda J (2006).
Contribution of eye movements to neural network activation in mental rotation.
Strasburger H & Wüstenberg T (2006).
Calibrated LCD stimulus presentation for visual psychophysics in fMRI.
VSS 2006.
A82) Poggel DA, Treutwein B, Strasburger H (2006).
Time will tell: Deficits of temporal-information processing in patients with visual field loss.
Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS 2006).
Strasburger H (2005).
Character recognition and Riccò's law.
Perception 34, Suppl. (ECVP 2005)
A80) Wüstenberg T, Zaehle T, Meyer M, Strasburger H, v. Steinbüchel N (2005).
Rapid temporal processing in auditory cortex: two comparative fMRI-experiments
Human Brain Mapping (HBM 2005).
A79) Poggel DA, Calmanti C, Treutwein B & Strasburger H (2004).
The Toelz Temporal Topography Study: Mapping the Visual Field across the Life Span.
Tübinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz (TWK 2005)
A78) Strasburger H (2005).
Character recognition and Ricco’s law.
Tübinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz (TWK 2005)
A77) Strasburger H (2005).
Character recognition and Ricco’s law.
VSS 2005.
A76) Strasburger H (2005).
Character recognition and Ricco’s law.
ARVO 2005
Poggel DA, Strasburger H, MacKeben M (2005).
Relative Motion in the Periphery of the Visual Field is a Powerful Cue for Visuo-spatial Attention.
Journal of Vision 5/8/162 (VSS 2005)
A74) Poggel DA,
Strasburger H & MacKeben M (2005).
Cueing attention by relative motion in the periphery of the visual field.
Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS 2005).
Poggel DA, Calmanti C, Treutwein B & Strasburger H (2004).
The Toelz Temporal Topography Study: Mapping the Visual Field across
the Life Span.
Journal of Vision (OSA Fall Vision Meeting, Rochester)
A72) Strasburger H (2004).
Role of spatial attention in perceiving form in indirect view.
XXVIII International Congress of Psychology (ICP 2004), Beijing.
A71) Strasburger H (2004).
Role of spatial attention in perceiving form in indirect view.
Workshop on Object recognition, attention, and action, at the Centre of Excellency of the University of
Kyoto, Japan.
A70) Strasburger H (2004).
Unfocussed spatial attention underlies the crowding effect in indirect form vision.
Vision Science Society (VSS 2004 abstract).
Poggel DA, Treutwein B, Calmanti C & Strasburger H (2004).
Increasing the temporal g(r)ain:
Double pulse resolution improves with smaller focus of attention. Journal of Vision 4(8): 502 (VSS 2004 abstract).
A68) Strasburger H (2004).
Unfocussed spatial attention underlies the crowding effect in indirect form vision.
Proceedings of the 7th Tübingen
Perception Conference, p. 51. Knirsch Verlag Kirchentellinsfurt.
Eisenbarth W, MacKeben M, Poggel DA, Strasburger H (2004).
Reduced motion sensitivity inside and outside the macula in age-related maculopathy.
Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO).
(Abstract) (Poster)
A66) Poggel DA, Treutwein B, Calmanti C & Strasburger H (2004).
Increasing the temporal g(r)ain: Double-pulse resolution is affected by the size of the attention focus.
Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS 2004).
A65) Strasburger H (2003).
A generalized cortical magnification
rule predicts low-contrast letter recognition in the visual field.
Journal of Vision 3, p. 653a (VSS 2003 abstract)
Poggel DA, Kasten E, Strasburger H & Sabel BA (2002).
Residual vision enhanced by visuo-spatial cueing: Attention effects on diagnosis and training of visual field defects in brain-lesioned patients.
OSA Fall Vision Meeting, Dec. 2002.
Journal of Vision, Vol. 2, 19. doi:10.1167/2.10.19
A63a) dto.,
33rd European Conference on
Mathematical Psychology (EMPG2002) Bremen.
A63) Strasburger H (2002).
Invariance of the psychometric function's slope across the visual field, for contrast-dependent
character recognition.
2nd Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS 2002), Sarasota, Florida
A62) Poggel DA, Kasten E, Strasburger H, Müller-Oehring EM, Bunzenthal U & Sabel BA (2002).
Enhancing light detection by visual cueing: Effects of spatial attention on the intact and lesioned visual system.
Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS 2002), Annual Meeting, April 14-16, San Francisco, USA
A61) Strasburger H, Poggel D (2002).
The visual crowding effect is caused, in part, by unfocussed spatial attention.
Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS 2002), San Francisco.
A60) Strasburger H (2002).
Zentrales und peripheres Sehen:
Von der Biologie zur Wahrnehmung
TeaP 2002, Chemnitz.
A59) Strasburger H (2002).
Invariance of the
psychometric function's slope across the visual field, for contrast-dependent
character recognition.
5. Tübinger
A58a) Strasburger H, Gothe J, Lutz K (2001).
The visual field of recognition.
Fechnerday, Leipzig 2001.
A58) Strasburger H, Gothe J, Lutz K (2001).
The visual field of recognition.
Abstracts of the 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Science (ICCS), Beijing 2001.
A57) Poggel DA, Kasten E, Müller-Oehring EM, Strasburger H & Sabel BA (2001).
Activation of residual vision:
Effects of visuo-spatial cueing on campimetric stimulus detection and on
visual restitution training.
Abstracts of the 3rd
International Conference on Cognitive Science (ICCS), Beijing 2001.
A56) Strasburger H (2001).
Invariance of the psychometric function's slope across the visual field, for contrast-dependent character
Perception 30, Suppl. (ECVP 2001)
A55) Poggel DA, Kasten E, Müller-Oehring
EM, Strasburger H & Sabel BA (2001).
Activation of residual vision:
Effects of visuo-spatial cueing on campimetric stimulus detection and on
visual restitution training.
Abstracts of the 3rd International
Conference on Cognitive Science (ICCS), Beijing 2001.
A54) Strasburger H (2001).
Invariance of the psychometric function's slope across the visual field, for contrast-dependent character
Perception 30, Suppl., p. 92.
Poggel DA, Kasten E, Müller-Oehring EM, Strasburger H & Sabel BA (2001).
Short-term and long-term effects of shifting visuo-spatial attention at the visual field border of brain-lesioned patients.
Perception 30, Suppl., p. 50
A52) Poggel DA, Kasten E, Müller-Oehring EM, Hans Strasburger H & Sabel BA (2001).
Visuo-spatial attention influences residual vision of patients with brain lesions and near-threshold vision
of healthy subjects.
Abstracts of the 4th Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society and
28th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference (Göttingen), Georg-Thieme Verlag.
A51) Strasburger H, Gothe J, Lutz K (2001).
The visual field of recognition.
Abstracts of the 4th Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society and
28th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference (Göttingen), Georg-Thieme Verlag.
Poggel DA, Kasten E, Müller-Oehring EM, Strasburger H, Sabel BA (2000).
Visuospatial attention influences residual vision of patients with brain lesions and near-threshold vision
of healthy subjects.
Perception 29 Suppl., p.117.
Strasburger H, Gothe J, Lutz K (2000).
The healthy visual field of recognition.
Perception 29 Suppl., 84-85.
Gothe J, Strasburger H, Lutz K, Kasten E & Sabel BA (2000).
Recognition of low-contrast characters
by subjects with cerebral visual-field defects.
Perception 29 Suppl., p. 45.
A47) Strasburger H, Gothe J, Lutz K (2000).
The healthy visual field of recognition.
European Journal of Neuroscience
12, p.196.
Gothe, J., Strasburger, H., Lutz, K., Kasten, E. & Sabel, B.A. (2000).
Low-contrast character recognition in patients with cerebral visual field defects.
European Journal of Neuroscience 12, p.127.
A45) Strasburger H, Gothe J, Lutz K (2000).
The healthy visual field of form recognition.
A44) Strasburger H (2000).
Central and peripheral vision: from biology to perception.
A43) Schulte T, Müller-Oehring EM, Strasburger H, Kasten E & Sabel BA (2000).
Acute effects of alcohol on covert and divided attention in men.
In: Bülthoff et al. (Hrsg.). 3. Tübinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz (s.o.).
A42) Gothe J, Strasburger H, Lutz K, Kasten E & Sabel BA (2000).
Mustererkennung bei Patienten mit Hemianopsien.
In: Bülthoff et al. (Hrsg.). 3. Tübinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz (s.o.).
A41) Strasburger H, Gothe J & Lutz K (2000).
Das gesunde Erkennungsgesichtsfeld.
In: Bülthoff HH, Fahle M, Gegenfurtner KR, Mallot HA (Hrsg.).
TWK 2000, 3. Tübinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz. Knirsch Verlag, Kirchentellinsfurt. ISBN
A40) Strasburger H & Sabel BA (1998).
Peripheres Sehen, laterale Maskierung und visuelle Aufmerksamkeit.
Experimentelle Psychologie; Abstracts der 40. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologeen.
ISBN 3-933151-18-X, p. 362.
A39) Schulte T, Warzel H, Strasburger H, Sabel BA (1997).
Deficits of Respiratory-Cardiac Coupling in Heavy Drinkers.
Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 23 (2), p. 2394.
(1998): Pharmacopsychiatry
31 (2), #20.
A38b) Keller J, Strasburger H, Cerutti DT & Sabel BA (1997).
Rapid assessment of the contrast sensitivity function in the hooded rat
Experimental Brain Research 117, Suppl., p. 67.
A38a) Dto., (1998): 1. Tübinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz. ISBN
Keller J, Strasburger H, Cerutti DT & Sabel BA (1998).
Rapid assessment of the contrast sensitivity function in the hooded rat.
Perception 26 (Suppl.)
A37) Hadjizenonos C, Strasburger H, Parry NRA & Murray IJ (1996).
On-Off VEPs exhibit a simple relationship between phase and temporal frequency
Perception 25 (Suppl.) p. 85.
A36) Treutwein B & Strasburger H (1996).
Adaptive psychophysische Verfahren: Eine Übersicht.
In: Mandl H (Hrsg). 40. Kongreß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie.
KONPro, München, ISBN: 3-00-000899-3.
A35) Rashman S & Strasburger H (1996).
Geistige Arbeit und kardiovaskuläre Aktivität.
In: Mandl H (Hrsg). 40. Kongreß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie.
KONPro, München, ISBN:
A34) Strasburger H & Rentschler I (1996).
Im Nebel seh'n wir nur zentral: Formwahrnehmung bei niedrigem Kontrast.
In: Mandl H (Hrsg). 40. Kongreß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie.
KONPro, München, ISBN:
A33) Rashman S & Strasburger H (1996).
Intellectual work and the cardiovascular system.
In: Boucsein W, Luczak H, Stern JA & Yagi A (eds).
Psychophysiology in Ergonomics 1(1).
Int. Ergonomics Ass. (IEA). Pabst Science, Lengerich, Berlin. pp. 53-54.
A32) Strasburger H & Rentschler I (1996).
Sehen durch's Schlüsselloch: Formerkennung bei niedrigem Kontrast.
In: Brähler E & Schumacher J (Hrsg).
Psychologie und Soziologie in der Medizin.
Psychosozial Verlag, Gießen. pp. 188-189.
A31) Strasburger H (1995).
Software for psychophysics: an overview (s.o.)
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NASA VisionScience home page (B. Watson, ed.):
A30) Strasburger H & Rentschler I (1996).
Focusing in on form.
Neuroforum, Sonderausgabe der Neurowissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft.
Spektrum Akademischer Verlag Heidelberg. ISSN 0947-0875. S. 189.
A29) Strasburger
H & Rentschler I (1995).
Is the crowding effect of purely attentional origin?
Perception 24, Suppl., p. 77.
A28) Strasburger H & Rentschler I (1995).
Contrast-dependent size of the visual field of recognition.
Fourth IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience,
Rapid Communications Oxford, p.467.
A27) Strasburger H (1995).
The psychometric function for letter recognition: Does it vary across the visual field? 22. Tagung für
psychophysiologische Methodik, Jena
Strasburger H, Hadjizenonos C, Parry NRA & Murray IJ (1994).
Apparent latency of pattern-reversal and on-off VEPs.
Perception 23, Suppl., p. 67 (ECVP 1994).
A25) Remky A, Strasburger H, Murray IJ & Rentschler I (1994).
Objective measurement of contrast sensitivity by steady-state VEPs.
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology92, p.
A24) Strasburger H, Remky A, Murray IJ & Rentschler I (1994).
Objective assessment of contrast sensitivity and acuity by steady-state VEPs.
German Journal of Ophthalmology 3, S. 300.
Objektive Bestimmung der Kontrastempfindlichkeit und Sehschärfe durch das stationäre VEP.
Der Ophthalmologe91, Suppl., S. S53.
A23) Brettel H & Strasburger H (1993).
Spatiotemporal filtering characteristics
of the visual front-end from suprathreshold off-step responses.
In: OSA Annual Meeting Technical Digest, 16.
Optical Society of America, Washington, D.C. p. 268.
A22) Remky A, Strasburger H, Murray IJ & Rentschler I (1993).
Objektive Kontrastempfindlichkeitsbestimmungen mittels stationärer VEP.
Zeitschrift für EEG-EMG 24, p. 192.
A21) Strasburger H, Remky A & Murray IJ (1992).
Steady-state on-off VEP closely related to contrast sensitivity.
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology83, p. 120P.
A20) Strasburger H, Harvey LO Jr & Rentschler I (1992).
Zeichenerkennung auf dem horizontalen Meridian.
In: Montada L (Hrsg.) Bericht über den 38. Kongreß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für
Psychologie in Trier 1992. Band 1.
Hogrefe, Göttingen. pp. 346-347.
A19) Strasburger H, Harvey LO Jr & Rentschler I (1992).
Character recognition on the horizontal meridian.
Investigative Ophthalmology 33, Suppl., p. 1348.
A18) Bailey N, Strasburger H & Bickert K (1990).
Transputers in musical synthesis.
Proceedings of the First Meeting of the Austrian Center for Parallel Computing, Henndorf am Wallersee.
Universität Salzburg.
A17) Strasburger H, Remky A & Murray IJ (1991).
Stationäre On-off VEP zeigen einen engen Zusammenhang mit der Kontrastempfindlichkeit.
Zeitschrift für EEG-EMG 22, p. 100.
Strasburger H & Radauer I (1990).
The Computer Music Studio at Salzburg.
In: Arnold S & Hair G (eds). The International Computer Music Conference, Glasgow.
Computer Music Ass., San Francisco. pp. 421-425.
Strasburger H, Kohler S & Radauer I (1990).
Score input to CSound via the Midi Keyboard.
In: Arnold S & Hair G (eds). The International Computer Music Conference, Glasgow.
Computer Music Ass., San Francisco. p. 208.
A14) Strasburger H, Harvey LO Jr & Rentschler I (1990).
Character recognition in foveal and peripheral view.
Perception 19, p. 406.
Strasburger H, Harvey LO Jr & Rentschler I (1990).
Recognition of numeric characters in foveal and eccentric view.
Investigative Ophthalmology 31, Suppl., p. 322.
A12) Scheidler W, Kornhuber AW, Kriebel J, Strasburger H &
Rentschler I (1990).
Clinical Application of steady state evoked potentials.
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology75, p. 56P.
A11) Remky A, Strasburger H & Murray IJ (1990).
Steady-state on-off VEP closely related to suprathreshold contrast perception.
Investigative Ophthalmology 31, Suppl., p. 256.
And in
Perception 19, p. 372.
A10) Scheidler W, Kornhuber
AW, Kriebel J, Strasburger H & Rentschler I (1989).
Stationäre visuell evozierte Potentiale im klinischen Einsatz.
Zeitschrift für EEG-EMG 20, p. 210.
A9) Strasburger H, Scheidler W & Rentschler I (1985).
Temporal phase lag of the steady-state visual evoked potential (VEP).
Perception 14, p. A4.
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1984 Annual Meeting of the Optical Society of America (San Diego), p. P50.
A7) Strasburger H, Scheidler W & Rentschler I (1984).
Evoked cortical potentials and perceived contrast of gratings.
Perception 13, p. A34.
A6) Weiß C, Rentschler I & Strasburger H (1983).
Amblyopic sensitivity to one- and two-dimensional spatial phase.
Perception 12, p. A21.
A5) Strasburger H & Rentschler I (1983).
Electrophysiological measurement of spatial phase sensitivity.
Perception 12, p. A26.
A4) Strasburger H, Rentschler I & Gayl IE (1983).
Electrophysiological correlates of spatial phase sensitivity.
Investigative Ophthalmology 24, Suppl., p. 189.
A3) Strasburger H & Rentschler I (1983).
Rechnergestützte Erfassung stationärer visuell evozierter Potentiale.
Zeitschrift für EEG-EMG 14, p. 226.
A2) Gayl IE, Strasburger H,
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Evoked-potentials and psychophysics of spatial phase sensitivity.
Journal of the Optical Society of America 72, p. 1785.
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PDP 8/E application to an experiment with event related slow cortical potential changes: Control, data collection
and off-line analysis.
Psychophysiology 17, 510–511.